SF differences effect San Diego home prices
George Lorimer
Monday, May 6, 2024
If you're wondering how 100 or 200 SF adjusts in the price of your San Diego home, it depends.
For example, if there is more than a 10% -20% variance, the first step is to find more similar comps to the subject property.
What if you're selling a 1500-square-foot home for $1,000,000? That is $667/SF. So, is a 1600-square-foot home worth $66,700 more?
Probably not.
Similarly, a 1400 SF home is probably not worth $66,700 less than the 1500 SF home.
If you want to talk about specifics, call or text George Lorimer at
So what can you do?
Appraisers use the sales comparison approach where you have a subject property and three comps. And you make adjustments based on if the subject + or - compared to the comp.
Usually, they might use an adjustment for the SF of $100 or $200 per SF. Watch the quick video for an explanation, or call me at
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